Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Facility

CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow

Supported by: Department of Science & Technology ( Govt. of India)

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Dedicated to Provide High Quality Analytical Services to Researchers

Sophisticated Analytical Instrument facility (Formerly known as Regional Sophisticated Instrumentation Centre- RSIC) at CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow is more than 48 years old and is one of the first four such facilities set up by the Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India in mid seventies.

SAIF/CSIR-CDRI Lucknow provides primarily chemistry centric analytical facilities for researchers throughout India.

Objectives of the SAIF
  • Provide facilities of sophisticated analytical instruments to scientists and other users from academic institutes, R&D laboratories and industries to enable them to carry out measurements for R&D work.
  • Acquire and develop capability for preventive maintenance and repair of sophisticated instruments.
  • Development of new measurement/analytical techniques: Efforts are made by the SAIF to develop new techniques/ methods of analysis to put the instruments to their full use and offer them to the scientists for exploring new dimensions in research in various areas of science and technology.
  • Organize short term courses/workshops on the use and application of various instruments and analytical techniques.
  • Train technicians for maintenance and operation of sophisticated instruments.