Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Facility

CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow

Supported by: Department of Science & Technology ( Govt. of India)

Terms & Conditions

Terms and conditions
  • As per Govt. rules GST (18%) will be charged on the analysis charges.
  • The analytical data/spectra are provided only for research/development purposes. These can not be used as certificates in legal disputes.
  • All concern persons, research fellows and students are advised to send their application and samples through their supervisors or Head of Department. The request should be made only on University/College/Institute letter head.
  • In all correspondence related to analysis our reference number must be mentioned.
  • Samples and application should be sent preferably in the same cover. Separate samples should be sent for different analysis.
  • Please send the samples in quantity as mentioned in guideline/brochure. Samples are not recovered unless a special request is made.
  • Unstable and explosive compounds are not accepted for analysis.
  • Services are rendered to only those users who regularly give us feedback about the end-use of the results, e.g., thesis, patent, process, publication etc.